Monday, August 8, 2016

Even If

What if all color was removed from the world (excluding the debatable B&W)? Would the core beauty of creation still remain? My response is this: it would still be beautiful even if color was nonexistent.

Let me explain … The same concept mentioned above can be drawn into the context of a follower of Christ … When you think of the words “what if” what comes to mind? Often times, the fear of the unknown accompany “what if” thoughts. Most everyone has likely encountered these types of thoughts. In fact, you've probably had some come to mind today. 

I’ve begun asking myself, if the worse case scenario were to play out in my life, where would God be? I’ve realized that God would still be there even if I hit rock bottom. He loves me the same. 
Having worked through this question, I have been able to move past my fear of the "what if."  My faith should by no means be solely placed in people, places, or things. My faith will always remain in God who is there regardless of what I do and calls me His friend.

So, even if all color is removed from your world, even if the worst thing possible happens to you, God will still be right beside you, helping you see the beauty that remains. Let’s tell fear who’s boss and let’s place our faith in God! 

"For this reason I remind you to fan into flame the gift of God, which is in you through the laying on of my hands, for God gave us a spirit not of fear but of power and love and self-control." ~2 Timothy 1:6-7 

Wednesday, April 27, 2016

God Of Mercy And Justice

Hello Friends, 
If you don't already know this about me, I greatly enjoy listening to music. I find pleasure in the diversity that exits within music itself. I enjoy that it has the capacity to inspire, motivate, and create certain emotions. Lately there's one song in particular i've really been enjoying. You can check it out HERE (it's worth it!). I want to take a moment to share my thoughts on the message within this song ... Its lyrics focus on mercy/judgment and how it pertains to God. This has me thinking about how God manages to be both a God of mercy and justice. I've started to ask myself the following questions and have decided to share with you what I have discovered and believe to be true. 

1.What is mercy? Mercy is not getting what you deserve. God's word teaches us that God owes the human race nothing but judgment because of our disobedience (sin) toward Him. Many have the misconception that God is so extremely merciful that He does not need to be just or that He will put away His righteous judgment because of His mercy. God's righteous judgment on us is not something that can be put aside, it must be executed. In order to save us from the due penalty for our sin, God choose to send His perfect son Jesus to pay the penalty (which is death) for our sin. When Jesus hung on the cross, the justice of God did not pass over Him. He was the perfect Lamb who “bore our sins in His body on the tree” (1 Peter 2:24). The judgment of God fell on Jesus for the sins of His people. Thus, God showed us mercy by sending Jesus to experience the judgment that we deserve.

2. How Does God uphold His justice and still show His mercy? In the death of Christ, God is “just and the justifier of the one who has faith in Jesus” (Rom. 3:26). Men have either been judged at Calvary or they will be judged for all eternity. Through his infinite wisdom, God made a way for us to experience His great mercy. God's mercy on me became possible through His righteous judgment on Jesus.

3. How do I live in God's mercy instead of God's judgment for now and all eternity? “If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness” (1 John 1:9). I can safely say, “the believer may demand eternal life, because it has been entitled to them by Christ that justice that seemed to require man’s destruction, now requires his salvation.

In closing thought ... God made a way for us to experience His great mercy. You and I have the amazing opportunity to receive that mercy that was made possible through the cross. He delights in showing mercy.

~Micah 7:18 "Who is a God like you, who pardons sin and forgives the transgression of the remnant of his inheritance? You do not stay angry forever but delight to show mercy."

~James 2:13 "mercy triumphs over judgment." This verse means that the mercy of God triumphs over God’s wrath because those who believe in Him are covered by the blood of Christ. The wrath of God has been canceled out by His mercy.

Thanks for reading! 
Much Love,

Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Life Status

To: Family and Friends,
I want to begin by saying that I am so thankful for you and the interest you have shown in my life/ blog. I hope to encourage you through the things I encounter, the moments I capture, and the lessons I am learning. I share with you so that you may be encouraged. The content of this blog is always shifting but always pertaining to the same goal.

Quick fill in: Recently, life for me has gone a little something like this... finish outreach, graduate DTS (Discipleship Training School), return home, process, rest, spend time with God, spend time with family, spend time with friends, pray for direction, trust God. This is the simplest picture I can paint of my life in the past two months. Thankfully its been somewhat of an easy transition for me. Though I will say that adjusting to a 13 hour time zone difference was not the most wonderful thing to encounter. 

So, What is life like after a crazy adventure across the Pacific? Surprisingly, life is still a crazy adventure. I don't see that changing any time soon. I've chosen to look at my situation as an opportunity for God to guide me into bigger things. Recently I've realized that life is how YOU choose to look at it. It's much easier if you learn to trust God with your life. Even though my life is still crazy (a little crazy is always good), I know that I can always rely on God to bring the solidity that I need. He is my one thing. David, a psalmist, puts this idea into words well:

“Truly he is my rock and my salvation; he is my fortress, I will never be shaken.”- Psalm 62:2

“As for God, his way is perfect: The Lord’s word is flawless; he shields all who take refuge in him.” -Psalm 18:30

My point in saying all of this is that when you learn to trust God, life becomes more meaningful and powerful.You are made in the image of a big God! It just makes sense that you should pray big prayers, dream big dreams, and live life as it was meant to be lived... as an adventure. Life is meant to be lived, don't let anything keep you from living life to the fullest. He has plans for you.

Bottom line; You are loved by a big God. Its time to live like it, think like it, dream like it (its real).

Anyway, It's time for me to go, I've got my favorite coffee shop to stop in at!

This is a photo taken in a posh little coffe shop in northern Taiwan. 

In case you were wondering... 
What did I gain from my five month training? There are two answers that Question. One, I would say that from DTS I gained the ability trust God more fully. Two, I would say that God taught me the privilege of laying down my rights and submitting to his will. I was challenged time after time to give myself fully to God and to lay down my own desires. Through this I was able to better understand how to express my love to God through obedience. All in all I'm so thankful for the opportunity that God gave me to live out this dream of mine. I hope to take what I've learned, and continue to apply it to my life. 

Be Blessed! 

Saturday, January 9, 2016

Part Three

Well Hello there Readers, 
I've realized for quite some time that an update is significantly overdue. Its been seven weeks since my last post on this blog! My apologies, so much has happened since then. There are many things I would love to share in great detail but I'm afraid time and space won't allow me to do so. Plus I don't think you want to be reading for the next several hours. I will do my best to share what I can and how God has been working during my travels and experiences. 

First and foremost I want to thank everyone of you who has been praying for my health. I am doing much better now. My fever has been down the past two days and I have more strength! This is so awesome and it is all by God's doing. God has heard your prayers for me! Thank you 

During the last three weeks of my lecture phase I learned more on the following topics; Cost of Discipleship, Biblical Worldview, and Missions. During the "Cost of Discipleship" week I learned that a disciple of Christ is someone who is willing to pay the price for following Jesus. An admirer of Christ is someone who rides the waves of someone else's faith and doesn't really consider the cost of following and pursing the call that God has put on their lives. The week after during "Biblical Worldview" I learned that the difference between knowledge and belief is action. I learned that the only way I can know if I truly believe in something is if my actions reflect that I do believe. My life's actions should be a clear reflection of what I believe and know to be true. How I view the world has a very significant effect on the decisions that I make and the things that I do. During my last week of lecture phase my class looked at the topic of "Missions." I learned that it was God's intention for us to be influencers of the nations. We are the mustard seed that God intends to grow. So that when we grow people will come and find shade under us. I should find something worth dying for, and live for that. I need to decide what cost I am willing to pay if God is calling me to do missions long term. I need to ask myself if knowing Christ is enough for me, even to the point of suffering. I felt challenged to ask myself "What/Who am I living for?" I challenge you to do the same. We concluded our lecture phase by praying for each other individually and asking God to give us insight on what He has in store for each of us. I couldn't have thought of a better way to end lecture phase. 

That weekend we had "Love Feast" in celebration of what had been completed and what was to come. On December second we packed up and began our one-month travels in China. While in China, we volunteered at a coffee shop and restaurant. Our primary focus was helping during the "English Learning Club" in the evenings at the coffee shop. Spending almost every evening there allowed for my team to build relationship fast with the locals. This helped us in being able to share our own personal life stories with them. I really enjoyed having conversation with these wonderful people and learning more about their culture. Through these conversations I learned that life in China is completely different than life where I grew up. I am privileged beyond what I can ever understand. I can say this because of what I've seen in China. On Christmas day we organized a program for the coffee shop. The program included: a flash mob (Yes, we did it... to Justin Bieber's little drummer boy (don't judge)), game, music, and a skit. We put a lot of practice in and it turned out wonderfully. It was splendid seeing my team work together to share the real reason why we celebrate Christmas. This was my first Christmas away from home and it was great spending it giving instead of receiving. New Years Eve came in a snap and we spent part of the evening in the coffee shop and the other part in Church. The year 2016 arrived with a chorus of cheers from all the Church members and hugs from all my team mates. 

During my last three days in China I got very sick and had to go to the ER on New Years Day. My body temperature was constantly changing and my heart didn't know what to do. I had caught some sort of infection so the doctor gave me an IV of some kind (it was sketchy). Thankfully, this IV enabled me to get back to Taiwan the following day. That evening, five hours after arriving my condition got worse, they called an ambulance and I ended up staying in the hospital for three days before I could go back to my apartment. They said I had an upper respiratory infection. In the past two days my temperature has broke and I have begun feeling better. Thank you again to all who have been praying for me. I have seen God's love and faithfulness to me through this whole experience. I can't put it into words exactly but I know that He has been with me through this process. He has gone before and behind me and has covered me on every side.

One really cool thing that I got to do In China was teach English to a group of kids. I couldn't have done this without the help of my lovely team mate Kayla. She was my translator and taught the lesson on "emotions" right alongside me. Its always been a dream of mine to teach kids in China. So it was an answer to prayer that God made this dream come true for me. It just shows that He acknowledges even the BIG things we ask for. Nothing is to hard for Him. He knows your every desire and wants you to ask for those things so He can make them happen. 

"Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; he who seeks finds; and to him who knocks, the door will be opened." Matt 7:7-8

Thank you for taking the time to read all of this post! I am of course leaving huge amounts of detail out, but one can only type for so long. I plan on joining the rest of my outreach team In Chaunghua when I have fully recovered from this infection. It's crazy that it's only a few weeks before graduate DTS! Thank you for your prayers and support. 

Lydia Young 

P.S. The following pictures are from the past month, sorry they are so random! 

Sunday, November 15, 2015

Number Two- Taiwan Update

As I sit here on the roof top at night, observing the city below and the stars above, I can't help but be amazed at God's creative abilities. I'm completely overwhelmed by God's faithfulness as I think back to the past four weeks of DTS. Each week contains its own little compartment of memories and knowledge gained from my lecturers and experiences. I will do my best to explain weeks six through nine of my DTS. My apologies as this update is way overdue! 

Week 6 was mini-out reach! Me and my team traveled to Taidong in order to partner with a Church there called "Guan Shan Presbyterian Church." It took five hours to get there by train. Thankfully I was passed out on my seat in the train so the time to get there flew by fast. During our week there we helped clean the storage space in the church and organized over eighty years worth of books! We visited an elementary school and did a skit for the kids. It was wonderful seeing these kids faces and happy reactions to our skit. Later that week we visited two different nursing homes and were able to do a skit and worship songs at both places. I will never forget the elderly women who kept smiling at me and said "hen piaoliang." over and over. This means very beautiful. She was very sweet and said that all she wanted to do was watch me because I was so beautiful. This truly touched my heart. When my group had free time during that week we would all get on a our bikes and would peddle through the mountains and open rice fields. Through these experiences I learned that I serve a God who is bold and bright. I also learned that He see's me as his own very beautiful creation. I loved that this elderly women could see me as God sees me. 

Week seven was on the topic of "Spiritual Gifts". During this week I was not only able to connect with God on a more intimate level, but I also was able to experience God's faithfulness to me. I learned that I can live a life that is overflowing with the Holy Spirit by simply praying, worshiping, and being receptive to the leading of the Spirit. One of my highlights during this week was getting Ice-cream with my amazing one on one who's name is Wei-I. I love laughing and talking with this women about modern art, bacon on Ice cream, and dog meat (strange, I know). On a more serious note, I greatly appreciate the the time she has invested in discipling me and praying for me. Our hangouts are so much fun! 

Week eight was on the topic of "Father Heart of God." During this week I got a better understanding of the character of God and his love for me. God is a gentle father. He loves me with great care and enjoys being with me. He not only loves me but he also likes me and wants to be close with me. His love for me is not based on works. God's love is not given on a basis of my strength. I must look to the cross to understand what real love looks like. When I look at the cross I see that God's love is holy.  A holy love seeks the best in the one loved. A holy love is undeserved. A holy love is sacrificial. Jesus did a perfect job at displaying this kind of love while here on earth. Another revelation that I had during this week was that jesus knew me before the foundation of the world. To know someone is incredibly personal. God is the only one who knows me better than I know myself. In addition to what I learned in lecture, I loved getting to do family night on Wednesday of week 8. We had some amazing chicken and curry that night made by the DTS students. Soon after the staff surprised us students by dressing up in disguises and hiding amongst a sea of people on YingZhuan Lu road. It was our job to find all nine of them in 45 min. We only found two! We then headed back to the dorm for some chocolate cake to celebrate three birthdays that are taking place this month; mine, Jennifer, and Joseph. It was such a fun night! I also enjoyed a bike ride to Bali with my classmate Asher! 

Week nine was on the topic of "Relationships." During this week I learned about the four different types of relationships that exist between me and God. We also looked at relationship with parents, acquaintances, average friends, special friends, boy/ girl friend, and marriage. I learned the importance of learning the needs of those around me if I truly wish to be fluent in their love language. I learned that God's purpose for marriage is: One man and one women in every area, reaching deep satisfying unity: completing God's purpose, together glorifying God. This week was the first time I feel I got a true full picture what what God intended marriage to be. I'll be remembering that for when I get married someday. Besides learning all this new and wonderful information about relationships, me and my classmates went out for Hot Pot last night. This was our second birthday celebration! After stuffing ourselves full of amazing food we walked down to riverside to enjoy the beautiful weather we're having and to walk off our food babies. Our night concluded with face masks and uncontrollable laughter courtesy of Jenna and Steven. 

The following photos are from the past four weeks in no particular order... enjoy the explosion of jpgs. 

~To God be the Glory~