Monday, September 7, 2015

Letting Go

Yellow and brown leaves are featured in each and every one of my photos today. This fact has awakened me to the realization that fall has indeed arrived. When bright and brilliant colors come into play, and when change is the inevitable. To me this season represents that the old things are passing away, as they should, and new things are yet to come.

I would say I’m on a par with the currents season I face in my life. I face dramatic change that is sure to be colorful. Learning to navigate through change is not an easy task and can be rather difficult (One that I would not dare attempt to do by my lonesome), especially when it means saying goodbye to family and friends for a time. I’ve learned that letting go and letting God is the best solution to handling change. Give it to God. Knowing that He is with me gives me strength to press on into the mysteries that lie ahead.

One, two, three… deep breath in… deep breath out. He’s got this! 

Photos taken by: Esther Young… Edited by me.

Cheers to a new season in life.