It's hard to believe that today marks four weeks since arriving here in Taiwan for my DTS. The past four weeks have been a blessing full of memories and experiences that I never expected to take place in my life. I can only marvel at what God has been doing/done in my life and the lives of those around me. I feel so grateful for this amazing opportunity to be amongst this family of believers.
When I reflect on the past four weeks of lectures and outreaches, the gospel lecture has been by far my favorite. The beautiful revelation of the incomprehensible debt that Christ paid for me has given me a fresh perspective of the gospel in itself. I feel that I have a better understanding of the gospel as a whole.
I love the culture here. Everyone is very friendly and open to communicating with me and my classmates. The food is so good and so cheap! The average meal here cost is about $2-3 USD. Don't get me started on the wide variety of teas and pastries. One of which is winter mellon oolong tea (which has become my favorite... I think). Something I must mention is that Taiwanese know how to do breakfast right. I've already started trying to figure out how I will come up with these wonderful concoctions when go back to the states.
This video diary is just a taste of the things I've been experiencing in Taiwan the past month. I wish I could share every experience, however this is quite impractical. Hopfully more pics to come!
Thank you to my family and friends for your prayers! Please continue to keep my team on your prayers as we leave for mini outreach next week.